BeC: organized emails and reduced notifications, automatically, thanks to artificial intelligence

BeC is the only service in the world that classifies and automatically organizes your emails based on their priority and notifies only those that are really important for you.

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BeC: organized emails and reduced notifications, automatically, thanks to artificial intelligence


What is BeC?

BeC is an AI-driven email management service that helps you organize your inbox by automatically classifying and prioritizing your emails. With BeC, you can say goodbye to email overwhelm and hello to a more efficient and effective way of managing your emails.

Features of BeC

Organize by Priority

BeC introduces a new era of email management by automatically organizing your emails based on their priority. You can choose up to 10 priority levels, and BeC will take care of the rest.

Important Notifications Only

Receive personalized notifications only for the emails that matter most to you. Choose which devices and priority levels you want to be notified for, and say goodbye to interruptions.


BeC is not another email management tool. It's a service that integrates directly with your email provider and email client, supporting all major providers and languages.

Other Features

  • On the ball: BeC continuously updates based on your choices and priorities.
  • Secure: BeC ensures the safety of your data and emails.
  • No waiting around: Set up BeC in just two minutes and start experiencing the benefits.
  • Feedbacks: See what users think about BeC and how it has transformed their email management experience.

How BeC Works

Watch the video to see BeC in action and understand how it transforms your inbox and simplifies your email management.

BeC's Partners

BeC partners with top technologies and expertise to provide a quality service.

Prizes and Awards

BeC has received recognition from institutions for its innovative approach to email management.

Statistics of BeC

  • Millions of emails processed
  • % of notifications avoided
  • % accuracy in classification

BeC in the News

Read what the media has to say about BeC and its impact on email management.