Music to Focus Better -

Use's functional music to help you focus relax and sleep better, using cutting edge neuroscience to get results.

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Music to Focus Better -


What is is a platform that uses scientifically-backed music to help you focus, relax, and sleep better. Think of it as a brain gym for your auditory cortex. They claim their music is designed to directly influence your brainwaves, helping you achieve a state of deep concentration or blissful relaxation.


  • Focus Music:'s bread and butter. They say it's designed to keep your brain in the "beta" wave state, which is associated with focus and productivity.

  • Relaxation Music: If you're looking to unwind, they've got you covered. Their relaxation music aims to induce the "alpha" wave state, promoting calmness and stress reduction.

  • Sleep Music: Need a good night's rest?'s sleep music is designed to guide you into the "theta" and "delta" wave states, leading to deeper, more restful sleep.

  • Personalized Experience: offers a short quiz to help tailor the music to your individual needs and preferences.

How Does Work? uses a combination of original music composed by professional musicians and subtle audio patterns that are designed to influence your brainwaves. They claim these patterns are based on scientific research and have been shown to improve focus, relaxation, and sleep.

Price offers a free trial, but to unlock the full library of music and features, you'll need to subscribe. They have various subscription plans available, including monthly and annual options.


Let's be real, "music that makes your brain work better" sounds a bit like snake oil. But hey, if it works for you, more power to ya. Just don't expect to suddenly become a productivity ninja overnight.

Helpful Tips

  • Start with the free trial: See if actually works for you before committing to a subscription.

  • Experiment with different genres and settings: Find the music and settings that work best for your individual needs.

  • Don't rely on it solely: can be a helpful tool, but it's not a magic bullet. You still need to put in the work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does increase focus? claims their music uses specific audio patterns to influence your brainwaves, encouraging them to stay in the "beta" wave state associated with focus.

Is this the same as binaural beats?

No, is not binaural beats. While binaural beats use auditory illusions to create specific brainwave frequencies, uses a broader range of techniques and claims to be more effective.

Is this only for people with ADHD?

No, can be beneficial for anyone who struggles with focus, whether they have ADHD or not.

Why is this better for focus than normal music? argues that their music is specifically designed to maintain focus over longer periods, unlike regular music which can lead to mental fatigue.