Cline — Lightweight A/B & Split Testing Software

The fastest way to A/B & split test content and designs to maximize conversions.

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Cline — Lightweight A/B & Split Testing Software


What is Cline?

Cline was a lightweight A/B & split testing software. It's been acquired by Strictly, so basically, it's dead. RIP Cline.


Cline used to offer:

  • A/B Testing: You know, the whole point of the software. Compare different versions of your website to see which one performs better.

  • Split Testing: Similar to A/B testing, but you could test multiple variations at once.

  • Easy to Use: They claimed it was user-friendly, but who knows, maybe it was just a front to lure you in before the inevitable acquisition.

How to Use Cline (or, How to Mourn Its Passing)

You can't use Cline anymore. It's gone the way of the dodo. Maybe Strictly will bring it back to life, but don't hold your breath.


Cline's pricing is irrelevant now. It's like asking how much a dinosaur costs.


Another promising startup bites the dust. Maybe they should have focused on building something truly innovative instead of just another A/B testing tool.

Helpful Tips

  • Find a new A/B testing tool: There are plenty of other options out there, so don't despair.

  • Learn to code: If you really want to be in control of your website's destiny, learn to code.

  • Accept the inevitable: Not all startups succeed. Sometimes, the best thing to do is move on.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Cline still available? No, Cline has been acquired by Strictly.

  • What happened to Cline? It was acquired.

  • Will Cline be back? Maybe, but don't count on it.