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What is ExpenSee?

ExpenSee is a game-changing budget management tool that makes tracking expenses a breeze. By leveraging Apple's built-in Numbers app, ExpenSee ensures your financial data remains secure and private, stored locally on your devices. No more worrying about third-party apps or data breaches!

Features of ExpenSee

  • Seamless Accessibility: Track your expenses across all your Apple devices, including iPhone, iPad, and Mac, without the need for any additional app installations.

  • Stunning Analysis Dashboard: Get powerful insights into your daily, monthly, and yearly expenses with ExpenSee's beautifully designed dashboard.

  • Data Security and Privacy: Rest assured that your financial data stays exclusively on your devices, ensuring maximum security and privacy.

  • Effortless Transaction Collection: ExpenSee utilizes Shortcuts to integrate with Numbers, providing an efficient and hassle-free way to collect transactions.

How to Use ExpenSee

Getting started with ExpenSee is a walk in the park! Simply start your trial, explore the features, and watch the full video to get a comprehensive understanding of how ExpenSee can revolutionize your budget management.

Pricing and Plans

ExpenSee offers a free trial, as well as a Pro version for those who need more. The pricing is affordable, and the benefits are well worth it. Say goodbye to budget management headaches and hello to financial freedom!


Tired of using budgeting apps that feel like they're sucking the life out of you? ExpenSee is the breath of fresh air you need! With its sleek design and robust features, you'll be wondering how you ever managed without it. So, what are you waiting for? Start your trial today and take control of your finances!

Helpful Tips

  • Make the most out of ExpenSee by setting aside time each week to review your expenses and stay on top of your finances.
  • Take advantage of ExpenSee's seamless accessibility to track your expenses on-the-go.
  • Don't be afraid to reach out to the ExpenSee team if you have any questions or need assistance – they're always happy to help!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is ExpenSee secure?: Absolutely! ExpenSee prioritizes data security and privacy, ensuring your financial data remains safe and private.

  • Do I need to install any apps?: Nope! ExpenSee integrates seamlessly with Apple's built-in Numbers app, so you can get started right away.

  • Can I access ExpenSee on multiple devices?: Yes, you can access ExpenSee on all your Apple devices, including iPhone, iPad, and Mac.