FCK.School - AI-Powered Writing Tools for Students

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FCK.School - AI-Powered Writing Tools for Students


What is FCK.School?

FCK.School is an online platform that throws AI-powered writing tools at your face, hoping one of them sticks. It's basically a digital tutor for students who are too lazy to actually learn how to write.


  • Paraphrasing: Because originality is overrated, right?

  • Summarizing: TL;DR for your entire essay.

  • Grammar and Punctuation Corrector: Because even your grandma knows basic grammar.

  • Title Generator: Attention-grabbing titles that probably won't make sense.

  • Thesis Statement Generator: A thesis statement so generic, it could apply to any essay ever written.

  • Outline Generator: Structure your thoughts, or at least pretend to.

  • Intro Generator: Start your essay with a bang, or at least a whimper.

  • Paragraph Generator: Fill your essay with filler words and empty sentences.

  • Conclusion Generator: End your essay with a thud, because who needs a satisfying conclusion anyway?

How to Use FCK.School

It's as easy as clicking buttons and hoping for the best. Just sign up, choose your tools, and let the AI do the heavy lifting (or at least the easy part).


You can try FCK.School for free, but if you actually want to use all the tools, you'll have to pay a monthly or annual subscription.


This thing is like a crutch for lazy students. If you're using FCK.School, you're probably not going to learn how to write properly. Just admit it, you're a hack.

Helpful Tips

  • Don't rely on FCK.School to do all your work for you.
  • Actually read the text you generate and make sure it makes sense.
  • Don't plagiarize! Even if the AI writes it, it's still your responsibility to cite your sources.
  • Use FCK.School as a starting point, not a finished product.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is FCK.School? See above.

  • Is FCK.School free? Partially.

  • How much does it cost? See the "Price" section.

  • How do I sign up for FCK.School? Click the "Login" button on the website and create an account.

  • How does FCK.School ensure the quality of the AI-generated content? By using advanced AI technology that is constantly being updated. (But don't expect miracles.)

  • Can I use FCK.School for professional writing? Sure, if you want to produce mediocre content.

  • How does FCK.School handle user privacy? They probably sell your data to the highest bidder. Just kidding (maybe).

  • Are there any limitations to using FCK.School? Yes, your imagination.

  • Can FCK.School help me with citations and references? Nope.

  • What types of writing can FCK.School help me with? Anything that doesn't require actual thought or effort.

  • How do I contact FCK.School for support or feedback? Use the "Contact" page on the website. They probably won't care.