Fast & Free ChatGPT prompts, OpenAI, Character Bots store | FlowGPT

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Fast & Free ChatGPT prompts, OpenAI, Character Bots store | FlowGPT


What is FlowGPT?

FlowGPT is a platform that claims to be the "best ChatGPT prompts & Bots Store." It boasts a collection of pre-made ChatGPT prompts and character bots, promising to help you unlock the full potential of OpenAI's technology.


  • Prompts Galore: FlowGPT claims to have a vast library of ChatGPT prompts, categorized by themes like anime, original characters, and even productivity. Think of it as a cheat sheet for getting the most out of your ChatGPT interactions.

  • Character Bots: Want to chat with a fictional character or explore different personas? FlowGPT offers a selection of character bots, ready to engage in conversation.

  • Leaderboard & Community: FlowGPT has a leaderboard system, ranking the most popular and well-rated prompts and bots. It also encourages community interaction, allowing users to share their creations and feedback.

How to Use FlowGPT

FlowGPT is designed to be user-friendly. Browse their categories, select a prompt or character bot that interests you, and then interact with it through the platform.


FlowGPT offers a free tier with limited access to prompts and bots. For full access and additional features, you'll need to subscribe to one of their paid plans.


Let's be real, the AI prompt game is getting crowded. FlowGPT seems to be trying to stand out with its focus on character bots and community features. But with so many free resources available, will it be enough to convince users to pay for a subscription?

Helpful Tips

  • Explore the Categories: Don't just stick to the popular prompts. Dive into the different categories to discover hidden gems that might spark your creativity.

  • Experiment with Character Bots: Chatting with a fictional character can be a fun and engaging way to explore different writing styles and perspectives.

  • Contribute to the Community: Share your own prompts and bots to help others and build a stronger community around FlowGPT.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is FlowGPT safe to use? As with any online platform, it's important to exercise caution and protect your personal information. Review FlowGPT's privacy policy and terms of service carefully.

  • Can I use FlowGPT's prompts for commercial purposes? Check FlowGPT's terms of service for information on commercial use rights.

  • What happens if I delete my FlowGPT account? FlowGPT's privacy policy should outline what happens to your data when you delete your account.