hCaptcha - Stop bots and human abuse.

Enterprise grade AI security platform with a privacy focus. Replace reCAPTCHA v2, v3, or Enterprise with next generation tech at better value. Used by millions.

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hCaptcha - Stop bots and human abuse.


What is hCaptcha?

hCaptcha is a powerful, privacy-focused bot detection and fraud prevention platform designed to protect websites and online services from malicious bots and human abuse. Unlike its more intrusive competitor, reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha prioritizes user privacy while delivering industry-leading accuracy in identifying and mitigating threats.

Features of hCaptcha

hCaptcha boasts a range of features designed to keep your online platforms secure:

  • Advanced Threat Signatures: hCaptcha utilizes cutting-edge machine learning to identify and cluster malicious actors across thousands of IPs and devices, effectively stopping sophisticated attacks without relying on user fingerprinting.

  • Zero PII (Personally Identifiable Information): hCaptcha's unique approach to bot detection doesn't require any personal data from users, ensuring maximum privacy and compliance with regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and LGPD.

  • Private Learning: This revolutionary feature allows you to train custom risk models based on your specific needs and data, further enhancing your security posture without compromising user privacy.

  • Multi-Modal Detection: hCaptcha combines passive and active challenge modes, including "No CAPTCHA" options, to seamlessly integrate with your website and minimize friction for legitimate users.

  • Global Coverage: hCaptcha operates in every country, ensuring comprehensive protection for your global audience.

  • Enterprise-Grade Security: hCaptcha Enterprise offers advanced features like multi-user dashboards, SAML SSO integration, fine-grained difficulty levels, and dedicated support, tailored for the needs of large organizations.

How to Use hCaptcha

Integrating hCaptcha into your website or application is incredibly easy. With just two lines of code, you can activate its powerful bot detection capabilities. hCaptcha also offers a wide range of plugins and native integrations to simplify the process further.


hCaptcha offers flexible pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets.

  • Free: A basic plan with essential features for smaller websites and applications.

  • Pro: A more comprehensive plan with advanced features and increased usage limits.

  • Enterprise: A customized plan for large organizations with specific security requirements.


Let's be real, most bot detection solutions are clunky, intrusive, and feel like a slap in the face to your users. hCaptcha gets it. They understand that security shouldn't come at the cost of user experience.

Helpful Tips

  • Leverage Private Learning: Take advantage of hCaptcha's Private Learning feature to create custom risk models tailored to your specific industry and use case.

  • Use a Variety of Challenge Modes: Combine passive and active challenge modes to strike a balance between security and user experience.

  • Monitor Your Dashboard: Regularly check your hCaptcha dashboard to track bot activity and identify potential threats.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is hCaptcha GDPR compliant?

Yes, hCaptcha is fully GDPR compliant and designed with privacy at its core.

  • How accurate is hCaptcha?

hCaptcha boasts industry-leading accuracy in bot detection, consistently outperforming its competitors.

  • Can I customize the hCaptcha experience?

Absolutely! hCaptcha offers extensive customization options, including challenge types, content, and branding.