PDF.ai | Chat with your PDF documents

We built the ultimate ChatPDF app that allows you to chat with any PDF: ask questions, get summaries, find anything you need!

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PDF.ai | Chat with your PDF documents


What is PDF.ai?

PDF.ai is an AI-powered platform that lets you chat with your PDF documents. Think of it as having a super-smart assistant who can read and understand any PDF you throw at it. Need to find a specific clause in a legal contract? Want a quick summary of a research paper? PDF.ai can do it all.


  • Chat with PDFs: Ask questions, get answers, and summarize documents with ease.

  • Source Transparency: Every response is backed by direct quotes from the PDF, so you know exactly where the information came from.

  • Versatile Use Cases: From legal documents and financial reports to books and user manuals, PDF.ai works with a wide range of file types.

How to Use PDF.ai

  1. Upload your PDF: Simply drag and drop your document into the platform.

  2. Start chatting: Ask your questions in natural language. PDF.ai will analyze the document and provide accurate and relevant answers.

  3. Get summaries: Need a quick overview of a lengthy document? PDF.ai can generate concise summaries for you.


PDF.ai offers a free tier with limited features, as well as paid plans with more advanced capabilities. Check out their website for detailed pricing information.


Look, if you're still manually sifting through PDFs in 2023, you're doing it wrong. PDF.ai is the future of document analysis. Get with the program.

Helpful Tips

  • Be specific with your questions: The more precise your query, the better PDF.ai can understand your needs.

  • Experiment with different phrasing: If you don't get the desired results, try rewording your question.

  • Explore the different use cases: PDF.ai is incredibly versatile. Don't be afraid to try it out for various tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is my data secure? PDF.ai takes data privacy seriously. They employ robust security measures to protect your information.

  • Can I use PDF.ai offline? The platform is primarily web-based, but they may offer offline functionality in the future.

  • What types of PDFs can I upload? PDF.ai supports a wide range of PDF formats, including scanned documents.