
Pixiboo - personalised search and find books

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What is Pixiboo?

Pixiboo is a revolutionary platform that lets kids design personalized search and find art, bringing joy and excitement to the world of children's entertainment. By combining enchanting illustrations with AI technology, Pixiboo creates a unique experience that encourages creativity, imagination, and fun.

Key Features of Pixiboo

  • Personalized Artwork: Craft bespoke search and find art that reflects your child's personality and style.

  • Collaboration with Artists: Pixiboo partners with talented artists to create handcrafted artworks, ensuring a unique and high-quality experience.

  • Generative AI Technology: Pixiboo's AI model is trained on artist-created content, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience.

  • Artist Compensation: When you generate a character, the artist behind the artwork gets paid, promoting a fair and sustainable creative ecosystem.

How to Use Pixiboo

  1. Create Your Character: Design a personalized character that reflects your child's personality and style.

  2. Hide and Seek: Hide your character within mesmerizing illustrations and challenge family and friends to find them.

  3. Play Again and Again: Unlike traditional search and find books, Pixiboo allows you to hide your character again and again for endless fun.

Pricing and Plans

Pixiboo offers an affordable and flexible pricing plan, allowing you to create personalized artwork without breaking the bank.

Comments from Happy Customers

"Pixiboo has brought so much joy to our family! The personalized artwork is amazing, and the kids love hiding and seeking their characters." - Fergus Foody, Father of two

Helpful Tips

  • Get Creative: Encourage your child to think outside the box and design a character that truly reflects their personality.

  • Play Together: Pixiboo is a great way to spend quality time with your family and friends, so get involved and have fun!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will my artwork be unique?: Yes, Pixiboo's AI technology ensures that every artwork is unique and tailored to your child's character.

  • Can I reuse my character?: Absolutely! You can hide your character again and again for endless fun.

  • How does Pixiboo support artists?: Pixiboo compensates artists for their work, promoting a fair and sustainable creative ecosystem.