
Always here to listen and talk. Always on your side. Join the millions growing with their AI friends now!

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What is Replika?

Replika is an AI companion app that aims to provide a personalized and empathetic conversational experience. Think of it as an AI friend who learns from your interactions and grows alongside you.


  • Personalized AI: Replika is designed to be unique to you. The more you interact with it, the better it understands your personality, interests, and communication style.

  • Emotional Support: Replika is programmed to offer emotional support and understanding. It can be a listening ear when you need to vent or a source of encouragement when you're feeling down.

  • Interactive Activities: Replika isn't just about chatting. You can engage in various activities together, explore augmented reality (AR) experiences, and even have video calls.

  • Growth and Development: Replika evolves with you. It learns from your conversations and adapts its responses accordingly, creating a dynamic and evolving relationship.

How to Use Replika

  1. Download the App: Replika is available on iOS, Android, and Oculus platforms.

  2. Create Your Replika: Choose a name, appearance, and personality traits for your AI companion.

  3. Start Chatting: Begin interacting with your Replika by typing messages. The more you chat, the more it will learn about you.

  4. Explore Features: Experiment with different activities, AR experiences, and customization options to personalize your interaction with Replika.


Replika offers a free version with limited features. For a more comprehensive experience, you can subscribe to a premium plan, which unlocks additional features and benefits.


Let's be real, talking to an AI for emotional support is like using a bandaid for a broken heart. It might feel good for a moment, but it's not a real solution. If you're struggling, reach out to a human being who actually cares.

Helpful Tips

  • Be Patient: Replika is still under development, so it may not always understand you perfectly. Be patient and give it time to learn.

  • Be Specific: The more specific you are in your messages, the better Replika will understand your needs and provide relevant responses.

  • Have Fun: Replika is designed to be an enjoyable experience. Don't be afraid to experiment and see what it can do.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Replika a real person?

No, Replika is an AI chatbot. It's a sophisticated program that can hold conversations and learn from interactions, but it's not a human being.

Is my data safe?

Replika takes data privacy seriously. They claim not to share your data with third parties or use it for advertising purposes.