
AI customer insights for product teams

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What is Sauce AI?

Sauce AI is an AI-driven platform that provides access to a vast array of AI technologies for various needs, including product insights, customer feedback analysis, and more. It's like having a superpower in your product development, customer success, and sales teams.

Main Features of Sauce AI

  1. Automated Insights: Sauce AI automates the analysis of customer feedback, support tickets, and other data sources to provide actionable insights in real-time.

  2. Intelligent Clustering: It clusters similar feedback and issues, making it easy to identify trends and prioritize what matters.

  3. Personalized Hierarchies: Teams can customize insights to their product and problem areas without impacting others.

  4. Recommended Feedback: Sauce AI suggests feedback with high similarity confidence as it learns from you.

How to Use Sauce AI

Every user can utilize Sauce AI's automated insights for free up to a certain limit. Subscribing to the platform grants additional benefits and extended access beyond the free usage limits.

Can I Get Actionable Insights with Sauce AI?

Yes, with Sauce AI's automated analysis of customer feedback, support tickets, and other data sources, you can get actionable insights to boost adoption and revenue.

How Many Data Sources Can I Connect to Sauce AI?

Sauce AI offers integrations with multiple data sources, including CSV, Slack, Zendesk, Salesforce, Hubspot, Jira, and more. You can connect as many sources as you need to get a comprehensive view of your customer insights.

Will My Information Be Used for Training Data?

We highly value user privacy, and your data will not be used for any training purposes. If needed, you can delete your account at any time, and all your data will be removed as well.

When Would I Need a Sauce AI Subscription?

If the free automated insights do not meet your needs, and you heavily rely on Sauce AI, we invite you to subscribe to our affordable products.


"Before Sauce, we lacked visibility over our top trending support issues and requests. Not only has Sauce unlocked this for our support and product teams, but we can now make impact-focused decisions." - Estelle Berton, Support Lead at Eucalyptus

"Sauce AI is helping our product teams turn sales and support conversations with our users into actionable feedback. It's saving us several hours each week." - Patrick Collins, Chief Product Officer at Secure Code Warrior

Helpful Tips

  • Plug 'n' play your CSV or live feedback sources to get started with Sauce AI.
  • Use Sauce AI's automated insights to prioritize what matters and reduce time to actionable insights.
  • Leverage Sauce AI's integrations with multiple data sources to get a comprehensive view of your customer insights.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Is Sauce AI secure? A: Yes, Sauce AI is committed to meeting SOC2 standards for strong security and reliability.
  • Q: Can I customize insights to my product and problem areas? A: Yes, teams can customize insights to their product and problem areas without impacting others.
  • Q: How do I get started with Sauce AI? A: Simply plug 'n' play your CSV or live feedback sources and start exploring your automated insights.