
Transform your time management with timeOS, the first Time Management AI for automated meeting notes and AI scheduling. Get proactive insights, action items tracking, and seamless AI task delegation. Compatible with Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.

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What is timeOS?

timeOS is an AI-powered productivity companion that revolutionizes the way you manage your day, meetings, and tasks. This innovative platform captures and summarizes your meetings, organizes relevant information within the right tool, and proactively surfaces the knowledge you need, when you need it.

Features of timeOS

  • AI-driven meeting summaries: Get detailed reports of what you've missed in meetings, and even send AI to non-scheduled events.

  • Instant Briefs: Prepare for future meetings with AI-generated briefs that scour your previous meeting notes, Gmail threads, and even LinkedIn.

  • Capture your day seamlessly: Record and transcribe meetings with customizable AI bots on Google Meet, Zoom, or Teams, and even capture physical meetings with a single click.

  • Huddles: Transform spontaneous Slack conversations into insights and action items with our one-of-a-kind Slack bot.

  • Multilingual support: Get concise summaries in 60+ languages, bridging communication gaps and offering support for diverse linguistic needs.

  • Customizable AI notes: Tailor your summary structure, choose the sections you need, and decide how you want your meeting insights presented.

  • Seamless integration: Integrate actionable insights into your workflow with our smart follow-up system, syncing with tools like Notion, Google Docs, monday.com, HubSpot, Trello, and Slack.

How to use timeOS

Every user can utilize timeOS for free, with the option to upgrade to a subscription for additional benefits and extended access. With timeOS, you can:

  • Replace yourself with AI: Leverage AI to bypass non-essential meetings and stay informed.

  • Get detailed reports: Send AI to non-scheduled events and get detailed reports of what you've missed.

  • Prepare for future meetings: Proactively get briefed by your AI for meetings wherever you are in your browser.

  • Revisit past meetings: Refresh your memory of previous meetings in seconds by hovering over calendar events.


Start for free and get 2 hours back every day. Upgrade to a subscription for additional benefits and extended access.


"TimeOS has given me a superpower. The automated note taker enables me to be fully present at meetings, and to effectively follow up and keep track of action items and come prepared to each meeting." - Liat Aaronson, Co-Founder, Managing Director at Horizen Labs Ventures

"TimeOS did a great job on creating a meeting summary and action items from Estonian language. I was really impressed how it understood Estonian language, I've been waiting this for a long time :)" - Ivar Gusev, Founder, Automajestic

Helpful Tips

  • Use timeOS to capture meetings without a bot by trying our Invisible AI feature.
  • Customize your summary structure to fit your needs.
  • Integrate timeOS with your existing tools to streamline your workflow.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will my information be used for training data?: No, we highly value user privacy, and your data will not be used for any training purposes. You can delete your account at any time, and all your data will be removed as well.

  • How secure is timeOS?: timeOS is secured by design, with a security-first approach, hosting on Google Cloud, and utilizing GCP Security Command Center and Cloud IDS for secure and reliable hosting.